Signed into law a five-year property tax holiday for real estate purchased through June of next year and waivers on fees for those transactions. Last week he handed his legislature a radical plan to simplify the tax code and sharply ...
Tron finds the program Yori, who's user in real life is Alan's girlfriend, Lora. She helps Tron get to an input-output tower where he is able to receive instructions from Alan, and a code disc that can destroy the MCP. ...
... sur les routes d'auvergne, c'est "L'auvergne ? moto" :o. Bien pensé/écrit, tu a en plus des réducs quand tu montres le guide au restos ou bhôtels/b du coin....C'est moins de 20? le guide en plastique indéchirable qui se loge dans la saccoche réservoir ! Message cité 1 fois b..../b n°15817189. Simpson's profil. ménage ta monture... Avatar. Posté le 21-08-2008 ? 22:13:40 answer. Il faut aller vers souvigny, btronget/b ... etc... ^^ :D. --------------- porc duh cax aublligatware ...